All in One

99.00 zł
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Comprehensive food supplement for holistic health support and daily functioning of the body. Thanks to its unique combination vitamins, minerals and plant extracts plant extracts, the supplement works at different levels. It supports immunity, improves the condition of the body the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as supports the correct functioning of the body essential body functions and systems functions and systems of the body, as well as energy metabolism. Food supplement Livioon All in One contains a vitamin complex Vitamins A, C, D, E and group vitamins B vitamins, which support proper functioning of the body. It contains plant extracts with potent antioxidant properties that help neutralise free radicals and maintain health already at the cellular level.

A natural boost to immunity

Natural vitamin C from wild rose has a positive effect on immunity of the body and helps in its regeneration.

The effect of using a complex of vitamins and microelements, which support the regeneration of connective tissue, as well as nurture and ensure a healthy appearance of the entire body.

Natural plant extracts, which effectively neutralize free radicals and support the health of cells.

Magnesium, B vitamins and coenzyme Q10 play an important role in supporting the body’s metabolism and providing the necessary energy to enjoy vitality every day.

Take 1 capsule per day during or after a meal and wash it down with plenty of water.

Hydroksypropylometyloceluloza ( kapsułka), ekstrakt z owoców dzikiej róży standaryzowany na 70% witaminy C, tlenek magnezu, ekstrakt 4:1 z owoców borówki czarnej, metylosulfonylometan (MSM), spirulina standaryzowana na 60% białka, betaina HCL, ekstrakt z bambusa standaryzowany na 70% krzemionki, ekstrakt z pestek winogron standaryzowany na 10% polifenoli, amid kwasu nikotynowego, octan DL-alfa tokoferylu, substancja przeciwzbrylająca (sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych), koenzym Q10 ubichinion, Mio inozytol, D-pantotenian wapnia, diglicynian cynku, diglicynian żelaza , ryboflawina, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, chlorowodorek tiaminy, glukonian manganu, siarczan miedzi, octan retinylu, L-metylofolian wapnia, jodek potasu, D-biotyna, selenian sodu, menachinon, molibdenian sodu, pikolinian chromu, cholekalcyferol, metylokobalamina.

The content of ingredients based on recommended daily dose:

Rosehip extract 114,28 mg
Vitamin C 80 mg 100
Vitamin A 400 µg 5
Vitamin D 25 µg 500
Vitamin K 50 µg 66,67
Thiamine 1,65 mg 150
Riboflavin 2,1 mg 150
Niacin 20 mg 125
Vitamin B6 2,1 mg 150
Folic acid 200 µg 100
Vitamin B12 10 µg 400
Biotin 75 µg 150
Pantothenic acid 9 mg 150
Magnesium 60 mg 16
Iron 5 mg 35,71
Zinc 6,5 mg 65
Copper 0,75 mg 75
Manganese 1,5 mg 83,33
Selenium 55 µg 100
Chromium 40 µg 100
Molybdenum 50 µg 100
Iodine 100 µg 66,67
Blueberry fruit extract 4:1 50 mg
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 50 mg
Betaine HCL 50 mg
Spirulina 50 mg
Bamboo extract, incl:
• Silica
30,56 mg
21,39 mg
Grape seed extract, incl:
• Polyphenols
30 mg
3 mg
Coenzyme Q10 10 mg
Myo inositol 10 mg

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